Tuesday, January 26, 2010

parlez-vous japanese?

Today marked a new milestone in our homeschooling adventure. When we first started our home school, we tried to have a daily spanish lesson. The two oldest boys enjoyed the challenge, but the younger children were restless to the point of mutiny. So my fantasy of learning to speak spanish as a family was put on a shelf along with my dream of becoming a world-class figure skater. As the year has progressed, we have occasionally reevaluated our learning goals and methods. Most recently, we have decided to study one subject (or block of subjects) each day. Consequently, on Tuesday, in addition to studying art and music, we now have added foreign language studies. While it would be easier to mandate Spanish lessons for the entire crew, I believe that kids learn best when they have some choice in the process. The outcome of our new schedule is that I am now directing lessons in French (Mark), Japanese (Eli), and Hebrew (Diana). Thank heavens for the internet. Mark has already learned the alphabet and numbers one through seventy. Eli is learning cool Japanese phrases equivalent to "what's up?". And Diana spent at least one hour laboriously copying the Hebrew alphabet. Sugoi! Translation: Cool!

Friday, January 22, 2010


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Winter camping with five kids--sounds like the plot of a cheesy comedy, right? Nope, guess again. Last weekend Dan and four kids (Mark, Eli, Diana, and A.J.) successfully braved single digit temperatures in the crowded confines of our dome tent (in the backyard). Amazingly, all of the kids slept well. Dan tossed and turned all night thanks to a bad case of claustrophobia. Despite that setback, the brave man has agreed to give it another go. The older boys have already set up the tent (one hour, one fight, no broken tent poles!). The kids are anxiously awaiting Camping, The Sequel. This week Logan is eager to join the fun. Sam and I will enjoy a quiet house and a warm bed. Hey, Sam is too little and he is still nursing so I generously offered to forgo the fun(the sacrifices we make!). Just in case merely camping in the snow becomes too last week, we have decided to add a small fire to the program. We will be roasting hot dogs. I hope they don't freeze while we are fixing the buns!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reflections on the upcoming move

It has been snowing steadily today, and I want to curl in the corner of the couch with a warm blanket on my lap and a good book in hand. If I am perfectly honest though, that desire is almost constant, weather notwithstanding. We have been packing in preparation for the upcoming move. Boxes in various stages of being packed (or unpacked by my "helpers") lie in corners and under tables--a visual reminder of change. I can hear Diana and A.J. playing house in the next room. They just "bought" a new carseat for their baby. The children amaze me with their innovations. Most of the toys are packed now, only a few of the favorites remain. And yet the children play, never seeming to miss the vanished playthings. They play with blankets, pillows, and imagination fills in the gaps. Are they deprived now, or were they before we packed the overflowing closets and playbins? How much is enough and how much is just too much? I am glad to have this time, to see my children thriving without the comfort of familiar objects surrounding them. When we do unpack in the new home, that will also be good. I don't intend to give away all of our earthly goods and take a vow of poverty (some might argue we did that when we decided to have a large family), but I do hope that I will retain the memory of this time. We have food, shelter, our faith and each other--and that is enough. May this sufficiency fill us to overflowing with gratitude and remain in our hearts long after the last box is unpacked and the last toy reshelved (however briefly).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hello world!

The purpose of this blog is to create a visual history of our family--the joys, the heartaches, and the miracles. I will try to accurately and honestly portray the day to day comings and goings of our family while also maintaining needed privacy. I am creating this blog primarily for extended family, but all are welcome to view and appreciate the hand of God in our lives.